Vi Mantra '09 Poster in the educators day grand function.
This is an outdated post but still i got a link on searching some websites this afternoon.and remembered those golden days on educators day stage.Our final year project got selected for presenting at VIMANTRA'09 contest.We were overjoyed by the presentation as this is considered as a prestigious contest while in final year.
I still regret for not all four of us who contributed to this presentation couldn't be on stage there is some mishap in between that let us split our final year separations :(
All set for presentations I had this opportunity to present it along with my friend sudha at Anna university campus the same Henry hall that brought me my first IDP award during my third year.Presentation preparation went on for some days and I stayed at sudha's place to complete it.All set we are on the campus on time into the hall.Judges were on their seats.Sudha brought her laptop which saved us from the misalignment on screen. Our presentation was good and the comments were laudable.We had a very good exposure.Why why not how where when what and we had answers for most.This made us to rethink on the project for a while.But still convinced by our presentation we left.It was three days later on the educators day the prizes were announced.
We both sat in the front row awaiting for the best but not overestimating our presentation.And finally the screen published MEPCO SCHLENK as second prize gone happy to the core .Both of us claimed the stage in joy and the highest of achievements we felt like.
Poster on our project was displayed in the entrance of the grand hall.We got LabVIEW kits as our prize.
Two things that i missed were my parents to see me getting the award and our guide who was there through out our success but coudn't stay with us on this day.
This is the link that i got on browsing today.Thought i would post this interesting moments.Only this self encouragement would make us improve more in life.
Happy Educators day...
At last there is some credit that we could earn for our prestigious college.