Its has been a long time since i came back for a little post..Project that was a great experience working with sudha,murugi,sundu we had a nice and tough time i suppose...Most of the time thinking about the proceedings and the way of completing it successfully...Though
there were initial conflicts about moving over to an industry for our project we came to a conclusion of continuing the project in our campus...I still remember the day when i and my
friend had a serious talk regarding this during our class hours and even break...moving over to an industry we felt was not that gud as my project mentor and coordinator were not interested...
we have spent most of our time asking for suggestions from NI bangalore,singapore,London,wat
not everywhere round the world all our friends were screwed up for our project...I am happy
to work with such an energetic friends....in the evening time we used to discuss with sir
our proceedings... VI NI LabVIEW Project is what all of us had in mind...not more that two
people have a previous experience on labVIEW in my college to guide us... that was pretty advantageous also a drawback...
"Development of a virtual controls system laboratory using LabVIEW and accessing it via
Internet" our first suggested topic..none of us knew about LabVIEw Internet connectivity
what sort of development!!!!!!!!!!!!
Machines lab first day discussion with sir...module,internet,common server..finally we
realised that we have ended up in a software project..but sudha wasn't convinced she wanted
to do a hardware integration as that would sound gud...later all of us grant our conset...
Project is a planned progress that we realised during our first review...we got an excellent
feedback...hardware ni kit day by day each and every improvement and findings we felt as though we are doing some research and detective works...we were happy that our work could reach great heights...
Last minute changes in powerpoint...day and night slide preparations...moving to biotech and
cse block for help..some how we completed it ...Report was yet another big job...inspite of this tight schedule we went to Anna University Coimbatore for our project presentation...
we had a satisfaction of typing our report word by word ...our own concept and ideas..when we got into one of the top 4 projects in my department we really felt worthy...Presentation in
front of industry delegates,poster presentation in front of juniors,demo that was a nice
experience Hatts off to mepco...we finally ended up with a topic
"Virtual control system Laboratory using LabVIEW"
Commitment of our team and encouragement from our mentor did take us to this heights...we
weren't able to get through the industry... we had more sincere batches in my class working
still ahead of us...we learn from our mistake...project completed but my mind still lingers
on it...Our class has been so sincere in project and missed lot of enjoyments during our
last few days in college though we regret there is a still a satisfaction of not staying
idle...would surely miss a good & dedicated class like our's...